Gardasil Vaccine 9 Uses to rescue peoples from 9 types of cancer which is causes by human papillomavirus HPV Virus, HPV Virus Vaccine will protect ages between 9 yr to 45 year of man or women .HPV Virus Vaccine Cost is pocket friendly,
HPV Virus Gardasil Vaccine
Human papillomavirus is very dangerous because 40+ types of dieses causes by HPV virus, human papillomavirus transfer through skin to skin touch, HPV Virus many type of cancer causes like cervical, vaginal, and vulvar cancers in females, anal cancer, certain head and neck cancers, such as throat and back of mouth cancers and genital warts in both males and females.
HPV Virus Gardasil Vaccine 9 not completely protect all type of HPV virus causes diseases , HPV Virus Gardasil Vaccine 9 help to generate antibodies in human body, it’s provide strength to fight with bed cells who help to spread HPV virus.
HPV Virus Vaccine 9 Uses
HPV Virus Gardasil Vaccine Uses or why it’s needed? answer is very easy , HPV Virus Vaccine is used for preventing diseases which is developed in our body due to immunity system, Nowadays 99.7% percent cases HPV virus found in cervical cancer patients,
HPV Virus Gardasil Vaccine 9 does not help to remove the need of cancer screening .GARDASIL 9 is not treat the HPV infection , Cancer. Most common way to spread HPV virus by sexual activity.
HPV Virus Gardasil Vaccine 9 age
GARDASIL 9 is a doses that is usually given in 9 to 14 year of age. GARDASIL 9 may be given in 2-3 doses as per man or woman age.
Age between 9 year to 14 years of age,
GARDASIL 9 will be give using a 2-dose or 3-dose schedule. when we talk about 2-dose schedule, the second shot must be given 6–12 months after the first dose.
If the second dose is given less than 5 months after the first shot, a third shot should be given at least 4 months after the second shot.
For the 3-dose schedule, the second shot should be given 2 months after the first shot and the third shot should be given 6 months after the first shot.
Age Between 15 yr to 45 years of age,
GARDASIL 9 will be follow 3-dose schedule; the second dose should be given 2 months after the first dose and the third dose should be given 6 months after the first dose.
The appropriate dosing schedule will be determined by a health care professional.
GARDASIL 9 HPV Vaccination has been done by professional doctors and nurses , They are well qualified and have knowledge about the vaccination , side effects of it.
HPV Virus Vaccine Cost & price
Many companies has been introduced HPV Vaccines in India, Every vaccine has own price HPV vaccines starts from 2000 per dose , So per person 2-3 doses are required it means 4000 rs to 6000 rs . when we taking about Gardasil Vaccine (Gardasil Vaccine Cost) is Rs 2800 and Cervarix (Cervarix Vaccine Cost) is Rs 3299.
Gardasil 9 Vaccine Cost in India
It’s depends on person which vaccine they choose , according to vaccine price will be vary.Gardasil 9 Vaccine price is given above. you can check.
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What are Side Effects of Gardasil Vaccine 9?
The side effects of GARDASIL Vaccine 9 is given below, must check before get HPV vaccine Gardasil 9
- Pain
- Swelling
- Redness
- Itching
- bleeding
- Lump where you got the shot
Also you can suffer from
- headache
- fever
- nausea
- dizziness
Why HPV Virus Vaccination is Essential ?
HPV virus is a very common virus nowadays it’s passed from one person to another through direct skin-to-skin contact during sexual activity. many peoples don’t have idea if they are infected in the teens and early 20s, HPV virus will infect 40 types of their genital areas. Most of the HPV types cause no symptoms and go away on their own. But some types can cause cervical cancer in women which is very dangerous and other type of cancers are cancers of the anus, penis, vagina, and vulva and oropharynx.
HPV might be cause warts in the genital areas of men and women, called genital warts. Genital warts are not life-threatening. But they can cause many problems like emotional stress , the treatment of genital warts can be very uncomfortable.
Every year, about 12,000 women are suffering with cervical cancer and 4,000 women die from this disease in the U.S.
Is Gardasil 9 HPV Vaccine 100% Prevent form HPV Virus?
No it’s 90% Prevent from HPV Virus.
HPV Vaccine Can help Cancer infected Person?
No, it’s not helpful when someone infected from any HPV diseases.
Will sexually active females benefit from the HPV vaccine?
Sexually active females must get HPV Vaccination , this vaccination beneficial only which condition when female take it before expose. HPV Vaccination is not beneficial who are already sexually active or infected any type of HPV Virus.
Is Gardasil Vaccine 9 Only for Woman’s?
No, It’s for both Man and Woman’s.
How HPV Virus Vaccine Works?
The HPV Vaccine help to create any bodies in human body, this antibodies will fight with Bad cells Like HPV Virus or any other infection viruses. it’s improve human body immunity system. this vaccination not only prevent from HPV virus it’s also rescue from unwanted diseases.
Can Pregnant woman get Gardasil 9 Vaccination ?
No, Pregnant woman can’t get any of HPV Vaccination until she complete her pregnancy period. No one has proof of side effects for pregnant lady but still research is going . so for the safe side don’t get HPV vaccination during pragnancy.
Breast feeder Females can get Gardasil Vaccine ?
Yes, she can get vaccination when she is breastfeed her child, there is no issue.
If you need more information visit Gardasil 9 Vaccine Official Website
Conclusion:- As per currant situation we must take HPV Virus Vaccination because cervical cancer and other hpv virus diseases cases are increasing, Dead rates are also increasing,
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